Monday, 17 June 2013

Tour of Mushtopia Part One

Oh by George welcome again to MUSHTOPIA! Today on The Fluffington Post we will be touring all the wonderful places in Mushtopia, excluding my castle since you have already seen it. First we walk from my castle to the Mushroom Forest, my favorite place to relax, adventure in or practice my magic.
That wonderful green dust you see there, for all you potion and magic powder fans, is a very important ingredient in shrinking magic. While walking in the forest,  you will see many beautiful things such as Spore Falls and The Bouncy Cliff (called that by the native bouncing Mushrooms), but don't go too far or you may stray into the territory of the evil Mushroom Magician, Sporington NegaShroom, notorious for transforming things into exploding mushrooms and tainting hearts with evil.
This is a picture of the bloody fool

1 comment:

  1. Jolly bona post, mia bona sinjoro! Mi nepre fortenu nin de tiu malbonfara NegoShroom.
